
Maflekumen Higher Institute’s world-renowned faculty are highly skilled practitioners, specialists, executives and influential role models and mentors committed to preparing engaged, ethical and collaborative student leaders for a life of purpose and fulfillment.

Faculty Directory

Anselm Akume Ewang MD,PhD

Founder/CEO/ Vice Chancellor/Lecturer of Medical Lab Sciences/Bacteriology-Mycology/Public Health/Entrepreneurship Tel : + 237.679-964-236/695-239-562

Mildred Ntube Nfor Ewang ,HND,BNS.MPH

Senior Nurse/Public Health Consultant/Lecturer of Nursing Sciences-Public Health Registrar/Record Officer Tel + 237.674-142-614

Moati Russel ,HND,BNS,MSc

Senior Nurse/Admission Officer /Assistant Lecturer of Nursing Tel : + 237. 673-177-781

Mildred washie Tamangwa HND,B.H.H.N,MSc

Senior MLT/ Nutritionist/Assistant Lecturer of Nutrition-Dietetics Director Maflekumen School of Health Sciences Tiko Head of Department Nutrition& Dietetics Tel : + 237. 679-711-997

Minssah Epole Akume ,HND,BNS,MPC, MSc

Medico-Surgical Nurse Specialist/Lecturer of Nursing Sciences Accounting Officer Tel : + 237. 653-468-190

Suh Jean Claude , BSc, MSc .PhD

Dean/Lecturer Maflekumen Higher Institute /Lecturer of Microbiology/Immunology/Biotechnology Tel : + 237. 677-069-100

Molimbe Esino Augustine ,BNS, MSc

Dean/Lecturer Maflekumen School of Health Sciences/Lecturer of Nursing Sciences Tel + 237. 671-995-188

Akume Yanick Ewang BA, MBA

Director/Lecturer School of Business-Management-Education Tel : +237. 678-509-115

Fonyuy Marcel ,BMLS,MSc Chem.Pathology

Head of Department Medical Lab Sciences/Lecturer of Chemical Pathology/Biochemistry Tel : + 673-138-009

Meh Kum Kelvin BNS,MSc, (PhD)

Head of Department Nursing Sciences/Lecturer of Nursing Sciences Tel : +237. 679-394-245

Epie Rufina Nzioge BNS.MNE, PhD

Head of Department Midwifery/Lecturer of Nursing/Reproductive Health Tel : +237.676-557-235

Kwancho Emmanuella Gwendoline ,BNS, MPH

Dean Undergraduate Degree Program/Lecturer of Nursing/Public Health Tel : + 237.670 351692

Sawah Nathaniel Chughe , HND,BMLS, MSc Chem.Pathology

Assistant Dean Undergraduate Degree Program/Lecturer of Biochemistry/MLS/Chem Path Head of Department Dental Prosthesis & Prosthetics Orthotic Tel : +237. 681131569

Jean Kang Baptist

H.O.D School of Business-Management-Education /Lecturer of Accountancy/Banking &Finance Tel : + 237 . 677514075

Toche Brice Arnold Tcheutuessi .HND,BMLS

Senior Medical Lab Scientist/Communication Officer /Laboratory Practicum Tel: +237.677-079-456/699-463-851

Fotabong Emmanuel , BSc,MSc.PhD

Head of Department Pharmacy Technology /Lecturer of Pharmaceuticals Tel : +237 .677 -280-342

Bih Catherine Ngwa. BMLS,MPH

Head of Department Sanitary Health Inspection/Healthcare Management-Lecturer of MLS-Public Health Tel : +237 . 678-918-500

Bate Eyong Augutine ,BSc,MSc,

Head of Department Sports & Physical Education/Lecturer of Molecular Biology/Biostatics Tel : + 237. 673-493-161


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